Gazprom has picked Italy over Austria as the destination of its
South Stream pipeline project. This decision gives the TAG pipeline a chance to stay in business after the
commissioning of South Stream.
The original design of
the northwestern part of the
South Stream project assumed two pipelines ending in Baumgarten
(Austria-Slovakia border) and Arnoldstein (Austria-Italy border).
Apparently, fulfillment of the original plan would have put the TAG (Trans Austria Gasleitung)
pipeline out of business.

here or on the map)
By dumping the
Baumgarten extension, Gazprom gives TAG a chance to stay in business.
After the commissioning of the South Stream project, TAG could
operate in reversal mode delivering Russian gas from Arnoldstein to
Austrian consumers, as well as to the Central European Gas Hub in Baumgarten.
Mikhail Korchemkin
East European Gas
Malvern, PA, USA
December 18, 2011