to the press-release of Gazprom, "in recent years the tax burden on
the gas industry has considerably increased".
Remarkably, in 2013 Gazprom
reported a decrease of both the total sum of taxes paid and the tax-to-revenue
The latter has dropped from 41 to 35 percent.

In 2013, Gazprom
produced 632 mtce (million tons of coal equivalent) of oil, gas and
condensate and paid Rub 1821 Bn of taxes and duties.
The corresponding numbers of Rosneft are 339 mtce and Rub 2487 Bn.
Note that sales of natural gas in Russia are profitable for Gazprom.

press-release of Gazprom
also says that "there is no significant imbalance in
taxation of Russia's oil and gas industries".
Mikhail Korchemkin
East European Gas
Malvern, PA, USA
July 15, 2014
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