The RF Federal Tariff Service Order
#89-e/2 of May 4, 2012 gives the non-residential prices for administrative regions in the service area of
Gazprom in Russia for the period from July 1, 2012 (the
original table can be downloaded from the XLS link at the bottom of this page).
Residential price is set by the RF FTS Order #333-e/2 of December 9, 2011 (the
table can be downloaded from the XLS link at the bottom of this page).
Click here to download the
2011 prices in Excel format. The original documents of the Federal Tariff
Service (Dec-10-2010) can be downloaded from the
XLS link at the
bottom of the page.
The original
documents of the Federal Tariff Service (Dec-18-2009) can be downloaded from
Click here to download the
2010 prices in Excel format.
Click here for the 2009
Click here
for gas prices and pricing zones of 2007-2008.
Administrative Regions of the
Russian Federation (Service Area of Gazprom)

Note: Komi-Permjakija now is a part of Perm
May 1, 2010